Sunday, 25 August 2013


Casework is GREC's service created to support the employers to resolve inequality issues at workplace. I was asked to design a label, branding and the brochure for this project. 
 I decided to reflect through the illustration a positive outcome of using the service such as people happy to go to work and other benefits for the clients.
Below you can see a 3-fold brochure for Casework.

Tags: Graphic design, brochure, vector graphics, naive art, branding, illustration, logo design, icons, social

Advancing Equality

Advancing Equality is GREC 's project aimed to promote equality. For this project I designed the icon set for 9 Protected Characteristics (Such as age, gender, disability etc.), label and branding.

Presented below is a pull-up banner.

Tags: Graphic design, pull-up banner, vector graphics, typography, branding, icons, logo design

Gypsy Traveller Liaison Worker

In this project I was asked to create a stationery and leaflet for Gypsy Traveller Liaison Worker and Health Engagement worker.
After the careful analysis of the clients' requirements, I offered to make an extended version of business card that will turn to a leaflet when unfolded.

Tags: Graphic design,business card, flyer,gypsy-travellers, vector graphics, social

Social Justice Day

Social Justice Day was an event organised by GREC.
 I was asked to design a poster- invitation for this event.
It is presented below.

Tags: Graphic design,poster, vector graphics, vintage typography, social


Rainbow Family and Friends is event organised by LGBT+ Group and GREC. I was asked to design branding and promotional materials for this event. 
Below you can see a poster and flyer.

Tags: Graphic design, flyer, poster,LGBT, branding, vector graphics, typography, icons

Manual Handling

Safe Manual Handling at work is self-initiated project in which I designed e-learning materials. I aimed to make this presentation focused and engaging with it's lively illustrations.

Tags: Graphic design, vector graphics, typography, e-learning, naive art, illustration

Switch off!

Switch off! is the poster that I designed for Positive Posters competition. As it is an international competition, one of the conditions was to reflect the idea graphically only and without any wording. Switch off! motivates a viewer to put away the electronic devices and concentrate on spiritual world. 

Tags: Graphic design, digital graphics, photoshop, vector graphics